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Valentines Day Tips
Valentines Day is fast approaching! Oh my! Maybe you guys are wondering if how will you impress your love this coming season of hearts! Well, Here are some tips that you will surely love. This is applied for male and female and even gays and lesbians so be nice!

1. Don't manage to see him/her two days before the Valentines Day. Why? Let him/her miss you! Don't expose yourself too much!

2. Share some thoughts from his/her friends if what gift she/he wants to receive this coming Valentines Day. Ask for something nice. Price is not the basis, but it's the usability and of course, something that your love will surely treasure for the rest of his/her life.

3. For Your Gift, shop online! We mean it. Most of the products sold online are rare! As in super rare. Some products sold in shopping stores have a lot of duplicates!

4. Be yourself on the Valentines Date. Don't make yourself different just to impress him/her.

5. Ask his/her parents and inform them you will go out for a date. Impress your future in-laws.

6. Make him/her feel special on the big day. Don't be a jerk. If a cute girl/guy came across in front of you. Don't follow him/her with your eyes! Dumb A**!

7. Lastly, don't forget to say I Love you. Ooops! and show it to him/her. Action speaks louder than words!