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Robert Pattinson smoking
Los Angeles, California - Twilight star and certified headline grabber Robert Pattinson received countless criticisms after gracing the Dossier Journal in a very candid portrait series says Softpedia.

According to Softpedia's entertainment tab, Perez Hilton [popular blogger] is the first to point at Pattinson's smoking images. Pattinson is a known smoker, he even grabbed the headlines after some paparazzi photos conquered the internet, that caught him doing some smokes while taping his Twilight sequel, New Moon.

Even his "lovelife" in the movie, Kristen Stewart, also caught smoking. Either way, many continue to tell, whether Pattinson smokes or not is entirely up to him and the world should not be that quick to judge based on this alone. You can decide for yourselves if he really does “glamorize” smoking, as Perez says.

Photo from Dossier Journal