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United Kingdom - YouTube sensation and British Got Talent "winner" [obviously] Susan Boyle is now preparing for her entrance to showbiz world, and her first make over project - eyebrows dude!

Susan was spotted by Dlisted with her eyebrows done, goodbye catterpillar! That's what you call a Mariah eyebrows, with a touch of Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus -lol! Reports say that Susan is now in negotiation for her first movie and album project, so a female New York Post columnist bashed her by saying that she's a Simon Cowell "creation", bitterness all over her body.

Wearing a black leather jacket and a white top, and holding her purse and a brown envelope - Susan still not into fixing her hair. Just last week in her random television interview, Susan said she's not into changing her image, to protect her "trademark". But seeing her new eyebrows, well - she's really going into a makeover, whether she likes it or not.