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California - Fresh Groom Channing Tatum takes the cover of GQ's August issue, and his photos sizzle! One of Channing's photos shows his nice hot bod while wearing a 'cowboy hat' and reading a book. The other one showcased his nice toned body, the 'varsity style'.

channing tatum gq august 2009
Channing told the magazine that he's a lucky guy when it comes to his Hollywood career. "I got crazy lucky. Like, sometimes I think I won the lottery or something. At times it feels like the bottom’s gonna fall out. Just ’cause I don’t really know how I got here. But I just keep moving forward, and it just keeps getting better and better."

Channing is one of the cast members of the upcoming action figure's flick adaptation 'G.I. Joe', and here's what he has to say: "This is, like, my first step out into the whole commercial realm. I hope it does okay."

channing tatum gq august 2009Photo Credit: GQ