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New York City - "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson taking his break in between takes of his new flick "Remember Me" in New York City, New York on July 17, 2009. A rugged Robert Pattinson was snapped wearing ripped jeans, his favorite black Nike shoes and simple gray shirt.

Robert Pattinson Remember MePhoto: Robert Pattinson struts his stuff in between takes on the set of "Remember Me" in New York City, New York on July 17, 2009. Photo Credit: RAM/Fame Pictures

Speaking of Robert Pattinson, some website claims that Robert Pattinson is a bad tipper. The 23-year-old actor was dining out with friends in New York at hip eatery Il Cantinori, and the total bill amounted to $350. Pattinson paid the tab, but only left a $50 tip, which works out at less than 15 per cent - lower than usual in the US. Well, maybe he's just a thrift guy.

More Robert Pattinson post HERE