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California - Robert Pattinson versus Daniel Radcliffe? Well, in terms of physical appearance, Daniel knows (and admits) that Robert is hotter than him. Then how about their films? I really don't get the point of the "little" rivalry but comedian and host Jimmy Fallon tried his best to give his viewers some fun using Pattinson and Radcliffe.

daniel radcliffeRobert Pattinson
Photo Credit: Fame Pictures

I feel for Daniel when he promoted Harry Potter in U.S.A., when the reporters asked him about Robert Pattinson and Twilight, and I know that sucks (but still fun to know 'coz I'm a journalist, LOL).

Back to Jimmy's faux duel, he started a little "debate" among fans of both camps. In fairness, I love it. One more thing, I love the tree scene of Jimmy's Radcliffe versus Pattinson!