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California - Ok, more "New Moon" updates. Director Chris Weitz recently revealed some of his "side of the story" while filming the much anticipated sequel of Stephenie Meyer's book saga filmed early this year and will hit cinemas this November.

First is the blabs about Robert's computer generated enhancement in "New Moon", Director Weitz told Rotten Tomatoes, "We are still in the late R&D phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit by sunlight, what the vampires look like when they're hit with sunlight, the diamond effect, and also the hallucinatory effect that Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there."

Robert Pattinson and Kristen StewartPhoto Credit: Fame Pictures

What about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's "romance continuation" or what they call 'em: "The Proposal"? Well, Director Weitz spilled, "It hasn't been cut out, I can tell you that much," He said. "It's not going to hit them in exactly the way that they think it's going to, but I will say that -- how can I put it? --it's going to be quite special. I kind of saved all of my gusto for that moment. I don't think it will disappoint."