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Robert PattinsonPhoto Credit: FPZ/Fame Pictures

California - Robert Pattinson is the sexiest man in the world (phew), Glamour Magazine's poll proves that the 23 year old British hunk from the popular movie "Twilight" is the hottest actor today. Congratulations, but Rob needs more explaining again (should he?)

According to multiple reports, Robert Pattinson's relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart is still a hot property. Still on the much talk about Comic-Con in San Diego last month, a lot of unnamed sources of magazines and tabloids claim that Robert and Kristen are not in good terms, and that includes an immature baby quarrel, and simple hitch with me issues.

A National Enquirer source revealed, "Kristen has Rob's heart on a string, and she keeps yanking it," The source added, "She gave him a glimmer of hope when she agreed to share a limo with him on the three hour drive back to L.A. but by the time they arrived, Rob was confused!"

Meanwhile, new photos surfaced on the internet showing Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and the rest of the Twilight cast members while enjoying a nice lunch date. Rob was snapped wearing his favorite blue polo, the same polo he wears in between takes of Remember Me in New York City (See photo above, that's the same polo).