Tiger Woods is the biggest buzzer for this week (for sure), though the issue is a bit old. The Golf superstar grabbed the world's attention after his press conference. Tiger Woods used the words "damaged" and "behaviour" - describing his unfaithful actions. Tiger Woods also used the word "disappointment" to describe his cheating actions and his multiple affairs with women.
Photo by: Fame Pictures
The best part of his statement (but predictable), is obviously this one: "I want to say to each of you simply and directly that I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in. I know people want to find out how I can be so selfish and so foolish. People want to know how I could have done the things to my wife Elin and my children."
Tiger Woods also said that he is ready to move on, "I have a long way to go, but I have taken my first steps", he said. Tiger also added that he's ready to change, though Mr. Woods said all questions about whether he and his wife will remain together are "between Elin and me."