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rustom padilla
Sassyqarla.com can say that Bebe Gandanghari (Bebe read as BB) is the biggest star today. She's the topic of all forms of mass media in our country. Not Marian, not Angel or KC, but it's Bebe! hehehe...

Okay, all the headlines of the entertainment news today is RUSTOM PADILLA IS DEAD, so where the hell is the body of Rustom? Oh my! in the trashcan? hahaha

Anyway, some say that Bebe will soon undergo a transplant. All we can say, it's fine, as if all the boobies of female celebrities here in the Philippines are real! boo!

Most of our sources says that Bebe is now torn between the two network on where SHE will work with a contract. Just this one thing, most of the writers and reporters are annoyed at Bebe, she's not doing anything wrong! She is just expressing herself! Get a life! Ugly reporters!

Go Bebe!