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According to PEP, May 4, 2009 is the date of the wedding of celebrity couples, Judy Ann Santos and Ryan Agoncillo that's after Ryan's pocket interview with the said website yesterday, January 29, 2009.

Most of the questions was about his personal life. Ryan proposed to Judai last year, May 11, 2008 that's why, some rumors are spreading that the exact date of their wedding is also May 11 of this year.

"Si Ate (his term of endearment for Juday) ang sasagot niyan. Siya kasi ang mas nakakaalam." Ryan said.

Ryan also asked the fans for reconsideration because the said event will be as private as possible. It's because Judai doen't want her wedding to look like a perya. But Ryan assured that after the wedding, they will provide photos and videos for the press. So it means, no network will have any exclusive coverage for the said event.

Kung sabagay, if ever it's open to the public, kulang na lang clown!