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tom cruise hand korea

Tom Cruise participates in a hand-printing ceremony before a huge crowd of fans in Seoul, South Korea on Saturday (January 17).

Along with filmmaker Bryan Singer, the 46-year-old actor is in Seoul to meet with Korean fans and promote his latest film, Valkyrie. (Korea is the only Asian country the two plan to visit on this tour).

Koreans can't wait to see the A-Lister guy from Hollywood as reports from Korean press said that "almost-stampede" happened when Tom stepped down from his car in an incident yesterday.

Woohoo! I guess Korean people loves hunky dunky guys from Hollywood. Pointed nose anyone?

Tom is such an unfair person, why didn't he visit Philippines. Darn, now I hate him!

Anyway, Tom has visited Korea three times before, to promote “Interview with the Vampire,” “Mission Impossible 2″ and “Vanilla Sky.”


photo taken from justjared