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Laughing trip again for sassyqarla after we found out one stupid actress is as stupid as her showbiz career. Well, this actress is vocal about her "love with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts". She always talk about it with her "showbiz friends" and even recommends it to them.

The funny story about this girl is when one of her friends told us what happened to them 2 nights ago. Here's what her friend told us:

"We went to MOA (Mall of Asia) yesterday (she told this story to us yesterday). While we are walking, we saw a new booth of Krispy Kreme. She really gone gaga after seeing the booth and drag us to the place. I bought a regular glazed and she bought a new flavor. After buying our donuts and eating them, she hurriedly went to the trashcan and dump her donuts. I asked her what's the problem, And just told me, "hindi masarap".

Her "friend" also added that she's even a fan of Krispy Kreme in her Facebook account. What an as*!

Clue: She will become an aunt soon. That's it.!