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rosanna roces

Recently, we made a post regarding the MTRCB's X rating for Rosanna Roces' indie movie, Aurora.

We found out with our source that the scene of Rosanna Roce's bubi getting squeezed by the rapist in the story is the reason for the unwanted mark coming from Laguardina. Hehe..
However, the film director Adolf Alix recently made a campaign for the movie by showing it to UP students. And the students agreed to the director's reason for the removal of the X mark. Bingo!

Well, didn't you just notice? If compared with other Indie Film, Roces's Aurora is much more pa tweetums! Other indiefilms includes frontal nudity and stuffs that seems too obscene. Well, maybe Laguardia hates Rosanna, or her bubi.

To the Director, if I were you, i'll wait for 2010 and just wait for who will replace Mrs. Laguardia. She's co-terminus with the president right? She's so KJ!

Sassyqarla.com says Mabuhay ang Aurora! Woot Woot!