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After the scandal between Doctor Vicki Belo and Boy Abunda, a lot of entertainment reporters released their own reports regarding the issue. But one columnist in a popular newspaper was shocked after the Calayan Doctors are not yet over in giving their side on the matter.

Calayan SurgicenterIt was reported that Vicki Belo already gave her public apology and her personal apology to Boy Abunda after the untoward incident, but one of our sources said, Calayans are not yet over in talking. We are not sure if what are their intentions but this is what our source said,

"Free Promotions kasi nila yan, free advertisement" he said on his e-mail to us.

Boy Abunda even stopped from reacting on the issue and chose not to speak about it. We hope the Calayans will also do the same thing. And besides, it's not them who is greatly affected by this issue, it's Boy Abunda, who is now the laughing trip in all streets in the Philippines.