Jon Avila is the latest guest of Juicy, a showbiz talk show hosted by Alex Gonzaga in TV5.
Jon Avila became controversial after Rufa Mae Quino is vocally expressing her admiration over this guy, but sorry! She's into young girls! And he admits that he is crushing on Eva Fonda Star, Cristine Reyes!
How about Rufa Mae? Well, Jon insists that Rufa will remain a good friend. Lately, Rufa Mae Quinto is rejected by most of the guys that she's into. The first one is Mark Bautista, and later on it's Jon Avila. The two guys are both saying that they are only friends with P-Chi. aray! Friend lang!
More of Jon Avila, he is now regular in the hit series I Love Betty La Fea portraying the love interest of Miss Pops Fernandez. If you will notice, Jon's acting is improving. I wonder if he is enrolled in a workshop!
Good Luck Jon!
Jon Avila became controversial after Rufa Mae Quino is vocally expressing her admiration over this guy, but sorry! She's into young girls! And he admits that he is crushing on Eva Fonda Star, Cristine Reyes!
How about Rufa Mae? Well, Jon insists that Rufa will remain a good friend. Lately, Rufa Mae Quinto is rejected by most of the guys that she's into. The first one is Mark Bautista, and later on it's Jon Avila. The two guys are both saying that they are only friends with P-Chi. aray! Friend lang!
More of Jon Avila, he is now regular in the hit series I Love Betty La Fea portraying the love interest of Miss Pops Fernandez. If you will notice, Jon's acting is improving. I wonder if he is enrolled in a workshop!
Good Luck Jon!