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sagwan movie poster
The ever controversial indie film Sagwan recently conducted a screening in Cine Adarna of UP Diliman last Wednesday, February 6, 2009. The said film recently got an X-Rating from the members of MTRCB headed by Chairman Laguardia. According to our source, the lobby of the Cine Adarna was filled with gays and hunks!

The movie tackles about the life story of Bangkeros (Boatmat) with a side line of selling their bodies to gays and matronas. A bit sensitive topic but like what Sassyqarla always say, if your movie have an X rating, don't worry! You're in the Philippines! 30% of the male population of the Philippines are Gay!

The highlight of the said movie was the frontal nudity of the actor named Dennis Torres and Mark Portus. Of course the crowds cheer after seeing those display! According to some press, the director of the movie Monti Parungao will resubmit the application of Sagwan to MTRCB for another review and hoping for the lift the X rating.

I wonder if Chairman Laguardia is enjoying all the frontals.. with a popcorn?
