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LaGuardia still on guard after giving Jacky Woo's movie an X rating! Why not? It's because the movie have a very sensual (BJ) scene coming from Jake Roxas and Leo Dominguez(who is he?). Oh my, is this for real? Jake is back on doing some showbiz projects. How nice!

Anyway, Lovi Poe and Joem Bascon are also included in the movie. Some rumors are spreading that they will just axe the said bj scene to get a more favorable ratings coming from Madam LaGuardia.

Sassyqarla says no! Don't ever dare to touch that scene. Trust us, the parokyanos will still flock that movie. Didn't you know that 30% of the total male population of the Philippines are gay? Proven and tested! Some are not just ready to spread their wings and come out of the closet. By the way, there are also scenes that Jake Roxas will display his butt.

So hot! Laguardia, so not!

source: Joe Barrameda, Abante