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This is the best casting so far in Your Song series of ABS-CBN. The newest story will feature two intriguing celebrity pair that is hiding on their "pasts"! laugh out loud!

Billy Crawford, Nikki Gil, Gab Valenciano and Rachelle Ann Go will join force in the newest story of Your Song entitled, Feb Ibig! According to ABS-CBN, they made the series the best as it can be to give the audience the aura of the love month.

Well, the show is not the interesting story here, it's between the cast members! We all know that Nikki Gil is the ex-girlfriend of Gab Valenciano while Rachelle Ann Go is his current mama. Meanwhile, Mr. Crawford is the rumored "current" boyfriend of Miss Gil.

Let's see if some clashes will happen in real life as this four will jive to the fullest in giving you the kilig. It's so obvious that the casting is soooo .... sinadya!