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Adam Lambert O'Reilly Factor
Los Angeles, California - Adam Lambert is taking all the headlines. This time, in Fox's O'Reilly Factor show. On its April 6 episode, Bill O'Reilly says, "There is a contestant, Adam Lambert may win American Idol this year, they tell me."

His show tackled the leaked photos of Adam kissing a guy, and Bill O'Reilly think Adam is gay. "I'm sure he's a good performer, or whatever they do in that program." he said. "On the internet, there are embarrassing pictures of Mr. Lambert." he added. O'Reilly asked his guest Fox contributor if the leaked photos can affect Adam Lambert's bid on Idol Season 8. Margaret Hoover defends Adam by saying, "My answer is no, we have gay pop culture icons. Nobody stopped buying Elton John because he was gay."

"I don't think it would affect the overall outcome, this kid is extremely talented. He hits notes which Paula Abdul loves them. He is even turning around Simon Cowell. This is somebody who I think can go all the way." says Hoover, so O'Reilly just left the topic because he don't care about American Idol.