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Joe Jonas eyebrows
Los Angeles, California - Jonas Brothers band's front man Joe Jonas might shave off his eyebrows! According to thespoof.com, Joe Jonas wrote on his official blog his plans to shave off his trade mark eyebrows and give the money to charity.

"I am a generous person, I am always donating to charity but I have always wanted to raise the bar and I feel this is the best way possible." says Joe in his blog post this morning. Joe's brother and Miley Cyrus' ex-boyfriend Nick Jonas commented on Joe's blog entry, "Joe is so inspiring the amount he does for charity. This is going to take a lot for him so I hope people give a lot to him".

No specific date yet for the shaving of his catterpilar like eyebrows, but thespoof added, Joe will do this and he hopes it will bring in the money needed to make someones life better.