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Adam Lambert
Los Angeles, California - Disney star and certified box office queen Miley Cyrus recently guested on Ryan Seacrest's radio show through a phone patch. Miley was asked by Seacrest about her recent taped performance for Idol and her thoughts on the Season 8 contestants. Miley reveales that Allison Iraheta is her favorite, but surprise! Miley also mentions Adam, without Seacrest asking.

"Well good, I performed 'The Climb', and pretty good it was fun." says Miley. "Did you meet the contestants?" Ryan Seacrest asked Miley. "Yeah, i've been texting with Allison [Iraheta]." she answered. Ryan made a follow up question, "What do you think of her?"

"She's my favorite" Miley answers. She also mentions Adam being nice to her. The Disney star however clarified that Adam is not her type and said, "Hmm, well I don't know. He's not my type. He wears eyeliner. I heard that producers does this stuff of putting colors on his hair that is damaging.." Seacrest says, "I never heard that."