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Adam Lambert Kris Allen
Hollywood, California - The showdown of the year, Arkansas' Kris Allen and San Diego's Adam Lambert will try to give their "best shot" to win our votes, and it will happen tonight, for the first part of the season eight finale of American Idol.

Before that, a lot of issues and intrigues were "revealed" against the crowd's favorite Adam Lambert, the recent was the "unnamed" spy of NY Daily news who claims that Adam attended a get together Idol party with his "boyfriend", but no photos or strong evidences that can support the claims. One more thing, the Adam Lambert fans think Danny Gokey's fans will vote for Kris Allen. How can they be so sure about that?

Can this year's punching bag (Kris Allen) beat the judges' pet (Adam Lambert). I'm so excited to do the live blogging tonight, go Adam, go Kris! Make yah mammas proud!


Perezhiton has this photo, where he claims is Adam's "boy". According to Perez, the hottie guy's name is Drake.

Image via Americanidol.com and Perezhilton.com