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California - Last week when the rumor started that Brad Pitt into hooking up with his ex-wife again, the headline grabber Jennifer Aniston is back with another "I'm beautiful" headline story. This time, it's about her ex-bf turned waitress lover John Mayer.

According to the waitress in her Heat Magazine interview, "John was devastated at the break up with Jen. He told me that he really didn't think Jen would dump him." Did Jen dumped John? I'm confused, I thought... well, who cares about my insights. Still on Heat magazine's which is on sale now, Scheana (waitress) also said John was trying to cheer himself up by "dating various girls", including herself.

However, she said that John was fed up with her talking to the press about their relationship - despite the fact he did the same to Friends star Jen. Okay, so Scheana Marie is now into magazine interviews, so the style -- if you want to be a celebrity, date a Jennifer Aniston ex-boyfriend.