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Vancouver - Ashley Greene recently revealed that "New Moon" prod team are now halfway done, so before they wrap all things up, more "New Moon" fan pics were posted! First are the photos of Allie , a Vancouver based blogger, and the latest -- are courtesy of "Twilight Gossip" Website -- that's what you call effort, more, more!

The cast members of "New Moon" are obviously doing their best to give us a quality flick, and they are doing it fast! By the way, Allie also revealed on her blog site that Kristen Stewart did all of her motorcycle stunts without any double -- she's a certified action star!

Unlike Allie's post, Twilight Gossip managed to snap some RPattz pics! Some of them are embedded below -- Edward and Bella arguing if I'm not mistaken. Check out Twilight Gossip's website for more photos.