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Wolverine piglets
California - I love Entertainment Online's photo embed -- showing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, with piglets at the side! Why Logan with the baby pigs? Well, E's report says that Hugh Jackman Tweeted the movie premiere date of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" in Mexico after its delay due to Influenza A H1N1.

"I will bring Wolverine to Mexico City on May 26 to provide a moment of fun escapism and a treat for some of the loyal fans of the comic," says Hugh, in Twitter. "My thoughts and prayers have been with all of those that have suffered directly or indirectly from the swine flu in Mexico." he added, and that's so sweet.

Hugh is very sweet and nice, as a matter of fact -- I've heard that a lot Broadway actors and fellow Hollywood actors like him, and I love him too! Anyway, "Wolverine" enjoyed a long press stay in the box office chart, and for the latest raked-in gross figures -- Hugh's flick got $85 Million on its opening weekend for U.S. and Canada only.

Photo from Entertainment Online.