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California - Check out the new edition of the "New Moon" book featuring the main cast of the flick version enhanced with Photo Shop and gym biceps. Robert Pattinson (not that visible, 'coz it's a drawing), Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart grace the cover of the new cover of the book to give more excitement (and frustration).

The love triangle heats up, and the cover proves that Summit still sticks to the actual story, where Robert Pattinson's character Edward Cullen is not the main attraction of the Twilight sequel. Taylor Launter's character Jacob cuddles Bella Swan played by the newest American Sweetheart Kristen Stewart. The said book edition comes with an exclusive poster, and it's not yet leaking on the internet (mind if someone e-mail me that, kidding!).

Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner