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California - Robert Pattinson fans around the world were surprised and speechless after hearing Kristen Stewart's answer to the biggest question of the century, "Team Jacob or Team Edward?" Of course, a lot of fans expected for the Big E Team answer coming from the star of the upcoming film The Runaways and the actress who plays the role of Bella in the worldwide phenom Twilight franchise.

A big
tsk, Kristen "joked" when she answered the question of Ben Lyons of E! Kristen grabbed Taylor and told Ben, "Read into this". Taylor reacted with a big smile and obviously "blushed" (Maybe Kristen is one of his crushes, LOL). Kristen is Team Jacob? Haha, and that's the best way to treat the rumors involving her and Robert Pattinson.

Kristen Stewart and Taylor LautnerPhoto Credit: Fame Pictures