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California - Robert Pattinson is still, and obviously the most popular actor actor in the world. Like what his co-stars say, the British actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen in the popular vampire flick "Twilight" is now having a hard time joggling his normal and celebrity life.

Even his rumored special relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, now the favorite topic of most news sites. Other celebrities think Robert Pattinson's life is going "nuts", and "worse". The latest celebrity to talk about Robert is the gorgeous slash sexy model Olivia Wilde.

Olivia Wilde is the latest cover of the popular magazine GQ, and she told the magazine that she's hoping for Robert Pattinson's survival after reaching the super popularity point. "I did not envy him," Olivia tells GQ. She continues, "I think it's the frog-in-boiling-water concept. Robert Pattinson jumped in boiling water and has stayed in it, and hopefully will survive. Whereas I entered the water when it was cold, and it's been slowly heating up - a slooooow boil. Maybe I won't realize when it's getting dangerous."

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robert pattinsonPhoto Credit: Fame Pictures