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alex james
Alex James thinks blackberries are "better than drugs". The Blur bassist - who lives on a cheese farm in Oxfordshire with his wife Claire and their four children - doesn't miss his wild rock star days as he gets his kicks from nature instead. He said: "I'm still getting the odd unexpected blackberry smell. As I've mentioned before, stumbling on unexpected blackberry bushes in full fruit, especially when slightly out of breath, is one of the great delights of nature, a sensory sensation - a smell like a magic spell. Close eyes, deep breath. Better than drugs or dreams."

The 40-year-old musician has also given up cigarettes and is exercising regularly in an attempt to get healthy. He said: "I'm running 10 miles a day, all over the valley, as I've given up smoking again. I'd been dreading it as usual, but I've rediscovered that there is actually nothing quite as wonderful as running through the woods. There really isn't."