Katie Price has claimed there were three people in her marriage. The glamour model, whose divorce from Peter Andre will be finalized today (21.10.09), claims her relationship with the 'Behind Closed Doors' singer ended because he treated manager Claire Powell like a second wife. She told Britain's Now magazine: "The trouble is, before, I felt married to two people - Peter and our management. And it was like Peter was married to two women, Claire and me. And it just suffocated me." Katie Price added: "She was always on Peter's mind. In fact, she was there even when she wasn't. "If I'm going to blame anyone for the end of my relationship with Peter, I'd have to lay some of the blame with Claire."
Katie, who was also managed by Claire during her relationship with Peter, is much happier now she has a new agent. It is the second time Katie, 31, has questioned 36-year-old Peter's relationship with Claire. Earlier this week, she accused him of sleeping with Claire while appearing on a UK TV talk show. The allegation was later edited out on the advice of lawyers. Claire, who is engaged to business partner Neville Hendricks, has vowed to take legal action against Katie. She said: "This is a total lie. I'm seeing my lawyers now. No-one can take what she says seriously. She has to find someone to blame for the marriage break-up. I am not that person. "I did have to control Kate to a certain extent as can be seen since she stopped being my client."
Katie, who was also managed by Claire during her relationship with Peter, is much happier now she has a new agent. It is the second time Katie, 31, has questioned 36-year-old Peter's relationship with Claire. Earlier this week, she accused him of sleeping with Claire while appearing on a UK TV talk show. The allegation was later edited out on the advice of lawyers. Claire, who is engaged to business partner Neville Hendricks, has vowed to take legal action against Katie. She said: "This is a total lie. I'm seeing my lawyers now. No-one can take what she says seriously. She has to find someone to blame for the marriage break-up. I am not that person. "I did have to control Kate to a certain extent as can be seen since she stopped being my client."