Award winning '30 Rock' star Tina Fey grabs the cover Harper's Bazaar's latest issue! Tina Fey wears a very sexy red outfit. I personally love the hair, she's so beautiful! Tina's exclusive interview with Harper's Bazaar is all about life and beauty. And one of the topics raised is "botox".
"You can point any kind of laser at my face, but I don't think Botox is for me. I think it is bad. People who have too much, they look like their faces are full of candles — a shiny, shiny face. Festive, though. Yes, festive. A holiday candle." Tina Fey told the magazine expected to hit the stands on October 20, 2009.
And speaking of Tina Fey's very beautiful hair, she admitted a secret (an ugly secret). "When I am not shooting, my hair looks like a Halloween wig." says Tina. "'I hate to tell you this, but it's because you are shooting all the time. You know those old actresses that are bald?' And I shoot 200 days a year." she added. Check out Harper's Bazaar full post HERE
"You can point any kind of laser at my face, but I don't think Botox is for me. I think it is bad. People who have too much, they look like their faces are full of candles — a shiny, shiny face. Festive, though. Yes, festive. A holiday candle." Tina Fey told the magazine expected to hit the stands on October 20, 2009.
And speaking of Tina Fey's very beautiful hair, she admitted a secret (an ugly secret). "When I am not shooting, my hair looks like a Halloween wig." says Tina. "'I hate to tell you this, but it's because you are shooting all the time. You know those old actresses that are bald?' And I shoot 200 days a year." she added. Check out Harper's Bazaar full post HERE