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robert pattinson and kristen stewart
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and the rest of the 'New Moon' cast members got a new video! Another T.V. spot of the upcoming film, with a title 'Save Her'. It includes some tidbid scenes of the much anticipated vampire film. Check out the video below this post.

In related news, It's still not sure if Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will join the 15 City tour next week to promote their upcoming movie
'New Moon'. Though the rumored couple will infest the U.S. television until the worldwide release of the film. Some of the confirmed guestings for Robert are Ellen DeGeneres, MTV and The Today's Show. For Kristen Stewart, who recently caught the attention of the Twilight buzzers after a no-show in the wrap up party, will visit the Today Show.

Sorry, but Robert and Kristen will not be visiting TTS together, Kristen's appearance will be on the following episode after Robert's. Regarding the U.S. city U.S. tour, news sources reported that a each of the events' 15 city stops, fans will be treated to activities, games, Q&As with the cast. Plus, in some of the cities, performances by the bands on the
"New Moon" soundtrack.