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robert pattinson, rite aid, california
With fame comes followers, and a crowd seems to be just behind 'Twilight' hunk Robert Pattinson wherever he goes! Robert Pattinson was surrounded by bodyguards, fans and bystanders as he left a Rite Aid store in Hollywood, California on October 30, 2009. Robert Pattinson is in California for his upcoming TV guestings to promote his new film, 'New Moon'.

Some of the confirmed TV guestings of Robert Pattinson are Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Today's Show, and a segment in MTV. Robert Pattinson was heavily guarded, obviously to block the crazy fans that are surely excited to see the actor. Robert Pattinson arrived from Vancouver, Canada yesterday where he shot scenes for 'Eclipse', the third installment of the vampire franchise that will hit the cinemas on 2010. (Photo Credit: Fame Pictures)

robert pattinson, rite aid, california