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robert pattinson
Robert Pattinson will not be staying home even after the 'Eclipse' shoot in Vancouver finally ended. Aside from the confirmed "Ellen DeGeneres Show" guesting, the British actor is set to appear on MTV on October 30. That's exciting, I wonder if it's connected with the pumpkin making contest of the music channel.

Robert Pattinson will also attend the world premiere of 'New Moon' in Los Angeles with co-stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner on November 16. Robert Pattinson's "worst" but exciting month is November, obviously. But Robert Pattinson's activities is not the main issue of this post.

Summit's official "Twilight" Twitter page wants to get two hundred thousand Twitter followers. Yeah, you read it right, and they really need to achieve that number of followers because: "They have something special in store" for all of us! I need those "something special in store", follow them guys - HERE! (Photo Credit: Fame Pictures)