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alec baldwin 30 rock cosmetic surgery ageing
Alec Baldwin wants cosmetic surgery. He revealed: "I'm not saying I wouldn't do something! I intend to do something. I probably will. "Let's put it this way, I wouldn't rule it out because... You don't think I wake up every day and wish I looked like this and this and this? But I can't let that bother me."

Alec Baldwin - who plays a man who rekindles his relationship with his former wife in 'It's Complicated' - told America's Entertainment Weekly magazine: "It is complicated. I had a pretty tough divorce myself, so sometimes I sit there and I go, 'Well, should I have worked it out?' Maybe I should have tried harder. " But he believes relationships are a risk - and not everybody has a lifelong marriage. He said: "It's what you teach your children about their love lives. No risk no reward. "Not everybody gets so lucky, where they have a family and a marriage forever and ever."

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