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Kate Moss has asked Victoria Beckham to find her a home. A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Kate has asked her people to contact Victoria's management." The source added, "she wanted to know which real estate agents Victoria used and wants to go with the same people. "She's getting tired of flying in and out of LA and thinks that getting a permanent base in Beverly Hills would be a good idea."

Meanwhile, Victoria's husband David has spoken about how much he hates being apart from his family, saying it will "kill" him to move to Italy in January. David Beckham revealed: "The biggest thing for me is I go away and leave my family for six months. "They come over and see me for a week every eight weeks." David added: "Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about my children, about my wife and my family and I hate being away from them. Being away from my family and my children kills me." (Photo Credit: Fame Pictures)

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