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Miley Cyrus is not your 'powerpuff girl', kiddos! The 'Hannah Montana' star recently revealed that she doesn't want to be "an idol" for her young fans. A very outspoken teenager, Miley insists she would rather be a role model who people look up to than an idealistic figure that teenagers want to be like. Miley was recently voted Worst Celebrity Influence by a teen website, so it's not a surprise if she's releasing these kind of statements.

Miley Cyrus revealed: "If you look at me as a role model I agree with it. If you look at me as an idol, I don't agree. "An idol for me is someone that you want to replicate. You want to be them. "I don't wish that on anyone, to lose what they have personally, because that's when your spark goes." Miley Cyrus, 16 years old, and a consistent Time Magazine Most Influential nominee (plus a tabloid favorite) recently told Britain's Daily Record newspaper: "I've been planning going to Indonesia since I was eight. "It's something I've always wanted to do, and I was never old enough to go with my church when they all headed out there."(Photo Credit: RIV/Fame Pictures)

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