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Robert Pattinson, who's linked to his co-star Kristen Stewart explained, and of course - denies all the accusations claiming that he and Kristen are dating. Robert also laughs off the pregnancy rumor. "I like the story about me being pregnant," Robert Pattinson told MTV. "It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page!" he added. Obviously, Robert Pattinson is aware of the Aussie magazine surfaced claiming that Kristen Stewart is pregnant - and Robert is the dada. Robert continues, "I was like, 'Wow, that's just [insane],'" He also revealed that he Google his name sometimes. Robert Pattinson also said that Kristen is just a 'good friend'.

Meanwhile, the part 2 of Robert Pattinson's one on one interview with Access Hollywood. The British actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen in the epic vamp flick 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' revealed that he's a big fan of 'New Moon' in the part one of his interview. Robert also revealed his own knowledge of the new characters that will rise - the wolf pack.

Robert also talked about his co-star Taylor Lautner, and his character as a werewolf. But, Robert Pattinson explained why vampires are so much cooler than werewolves in "The Twilight Saga." Plus, how does he feel about werewolves walking around shirtless all the time? Is that an awkward situation? Check out the video below to find the answers! (Photo Credit: Fame Pictures)

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