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robert de niro little fockers
Robert De Niro's children don't care that their dad is famous. The 66-year-old actor said his children "aren't too impressed" with their Oscar-winning father and don't talk about his work. He said: "My kids aren't too impressed with me. They don't say very much about my career. Sometimes they Google me, though. And who knows what their friends say?" De Niro has four children and one adopted daughter from three relationships, and said part of the reason could be that they weren't brought up in the Hollywood bubble.

Robert De Niro revealed: "We had a house there, my first wife and our oldest kids. But I never really lived in it much. I like to visit Los Angeles., but I wouldn't want to live there." The actor is currently working on comedy sequel 'Meet The Little Fockers', but admits he isn't sure if the film will be a hit. He said: "I don't know if I can say it's the best one, that's for the audience to decide - but we're having fun."