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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are facing an obviously unstoppable media circus. And because of the nonstop claiming and unnamed source revelation, multiple news sources are reporting that the 'rumored' couple decided to take some time off from each other. A source revealed: "Honestly, it makes it very hard for them to even be friends. Maybe there could have been something between them, but it seems like all of the pressure surrounding their relationship has really killed it."

Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart is now facing criticisms over her EW interview. Perez Hilton, the self proclaimed queen of blogging wrote: "We don't even like to look at her, but it's even worse when she opens her mouth!" Perez also added that Kristen Stewart overreacted in her interview by saying that she's a lesbian, he wrote: "We don't want your offspring, we just want to know who you're boning!"

In her interview with EW, Kristen Stewart explained: "OK, we are. We aren't. I'm a lesbian.' I'm just trying to keep something." Kristen Stewart added, "I probably would've answered it if people hadn't made such a big deal about it." Then she added, "But I'm not going to give the fiending an answer. I know that people are really funny about 'Well, you chose to be an actor, why don't you just f---ing give your whole life away?! Can I have your firstborn child?'" (Photo Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures)

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