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robert pattinson and kristen stewart paris france new moon
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are in Paris, France to promote their upcoming flick 'New Moon', that will officially hit the cinemas worldwide on November 20th. Kristen Stewart was photographed when she arrived at the Crillon Hotel in Paris, France on the evening of November 9, 2009.

Fans were surprised to see Kristen Stewart arriving without Robert Pattinson. Kristen Stewart signed Autographs and greeted the French fans, mostly female waiting for Robert Pattinson and 'New Moon' hunk Taylor Lautner. Apparently, Kristen Stewart is not into photo op so she arrived earlier.

robert pattinson and kristen stewart paris france new moon
Last year when the rumored couple also visited the same hotel December last year to promote the film 'Twilight'. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart still deny the 'dating' speculations. In her EW interview, Kristen Stewart slams all the rumors, and answered the questions 'artistically'. "I probably would've answered it if people hadn't made such a big deal about it," she tells EW. "But I'm not going to give the fiending an answer." (Photo Credit: ANG/Fame Pictures)