Robert Gibbs and April Ryan are now the hottest buzzers of the day beating Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (nice pair, btw). Robert Gibbs, the current White House Press Secretary created a controversy today after an 'unwanted incident' happened to him and a member of the news media. is reporting that April Ryan, the said member of the news media "was insistent on having her question concerning White House social secretary Desiree Rogers' attendance at the White House State Dinner."
April Ryan was so persistent to raise her question: if Desiree Rogers is a 'gate crasher', or was actually a guest of President Barack Obama. Gibbs declined to answer April Ryan's questions, and tried to signal Ryan from asking an 'unimportant' issue. Because Ryan was so persistent, Gibbs compared April Ryan's character to his young son and the 'small' tension happened! Watch the video HERE.
April Ryan was so persistent to raise her question: if Desiree Rogers is a 'gate crasher', or was actually a guest of President Barack Obama. Gibbs declined to answer April Ryan's questions, and tried to signal Ryan from asking an 'unimportant' issue. Because Ryan was so persistent, Gibbs compared April Ryan's character to his young son and the 'small' tension happened! Watch the video HERE.