Claire Danes thinks everyone should get married. The actress - who wed her 'Evening' co-star Hugh Dancy at a secret ceremony in France in September - is content with her relationship and believes other people should tie the knot in order to be as happy as she is. She said: "It feels wonderful. I'm recommending marriage. It's still very new but there's a kind of deep security that I'm really enjoying. My parents have been happily married since they were 21, so I have been lucky to have them as a model." The 30-year-old actress is currently starring in 'Me and Orson Welles' alongside Zac Efron, where she plays career-hungry production assistant Sonja Jones, and admits she was in awe of the opinionated character.
She said: "I admire her focus and her determination to succeed. I think it's very brave for a woman to be so honest about wanting to do well and being hungry for success in any era, but especially then when women have few choices." While being in awe of her on-stage persona's drive, Claire has started enjoying life more as she's got older. She explained: "I'm happier than ever. I have a deeper understanding of who I am and I'm more comfortable in myself. I know my needs and I know how they can be met. I hope that trend continues. But it's still a bit of a shock when I'm at the gym on the treadmill and I have to punch in my information and I go, 'Oh God, I'm 30'. It feels very old, but I like adulthood a lot."
Claire Danes: "Happy.. sha la la!"