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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart continue to dispel rumors! Robert Pattinson was spotted by photographers twice, without his rumored girlfriend and 'Twilight' series co-star Kristen Stewart. The first sighting without K-Stew was on December 4th. The 23 year-old British heartthrob partied with his guy friends at the Hotel Café Bar in Los Angeles, California.

The second "less-Kristen Stewart" sighting happened during the Los Angeles, CA premiere of "The Lovely Bones". One of the cast members of the said flick, Katerina Graham even tweeted her 'Robert Pattinson experience'. She revealed: "At the premiere of Lovely Bones and robert pattinson is here girls!” She added: “Should I kidnap him for the fans? He’s sitting a few rows from me." Two public appearances in a row, Robert Pattinson showed the public that he's happy (without Kristen Stewart).

In related news, Robert Pattinson has a 'curse'? Celebuzz collected the 'coincidental' stories involving Robert Pattinson and his female co-stars. The weblog posted: "Is Robert Pattinson's sex appeal so utterly overwhelming that he's capable of destroying relationships just by co-starring with someone?" Uma Thurman, Robert Pattinson's co-star in his upcoming movie 'Bel Ami', has reportedly split up with her fiancé, hedge fund manager Arki Busson. The report also added that 'break-ups' also happened to Emilie de-Ravin, Robert Pattinson's co-star in 'Remember Me', and of course - Kristen Stewart.

Kristen Stewart: "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me.... Ooooh, no baby please don't go!"
Robert Pattinson: "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell.."

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