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 Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri discovered the real Sevillian taste on December 14, 2009. They spent some hours in a typical and humble bar, so far from usual full-of-glamour restaurants in the neighborhood of Triana. Ordago is a small and humble tapas-bar with a Basque cuisine situated in the center of Seville, Spain with a curious mixture of north and south tastes.

The menu of tapas eaten by Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise (typical Spanish snacks) include anchovy, Spanish omelette and kokotxa. They repeated several of the snacks and drank only water. Although the temperature was only 4ºC and Suri was really in a sleeping mood everyone appeared to have had fun as the owner of the restaurant bid them adieu at the door! Photo: Fame Pictures

Tom Cruise: "Move faster, I'm hungry!"
Katie Holmes: "Stop pushing meee!"
Suri Cruise: 'Waaah!"

tom cruise katie holmes suri seville spain snacks/><br />
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