Mel Gibson recently revealed that he's worried that his life has got boring as he's grown older because he's tried to get healthy and been forced to stop doing some of his favourite things. According to the actor, he's afraid of not enjoying life after he quitted smoking. Mel Gibson said: "I try and eat right but I don't work out much. I quit smoking so that's something in the right direction."
Mel Gibson, now with eight kids - the youngest is two-month-old daughter Lucia with girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva - also revealed that he's 'better' now because of maturity. He adds: "I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the fact that there is a little life there in front of me staring at you with complete innocence and total angelic blamelessness. So we'll see if I can do it better this time. I think I'm a lot better because maturity brings things out. I just wish I had that youthful spring again. But it's a trade-off, right?" Check out the photos of Mel Gibson below- still working after the birth of his 8th child, on November 4, 2009. Mel Gibson took a cigarette break on the set of "The Beaver" in upstate New York, USA. Photos: Fame Pictures