While fans of Robert Pattinson are busy asking themselves if what is/are the reason/s behind Rob's beard, reports are starting to circulate the internet world that AI judge Simon Cowell wants to ink Robert Pattinson a major record deal. A source of The Sun revealed that Simon Cowell is not the only one who wants Kristen Stewart's rumored boyfriend to sing. Robert Pattinson's very own music album? Why not!

The reports add that with Robert Pattinson's worldwide stardom, other record companies heard Cowell's offer and a bidding war has broken out. The source of the British site said: "He is a bit wary of signing up with Cowell who is, of course, associated with 'The X Factor' and pop." Robert Pattinson, 23, and star of the movie 'Twilight' with Kristen Stewart is a keen musician who also plays instruments like guitar and piano. Check out Robert Pattinson's photos with Kristen Stewart in San Diego, California last year for the Comic-Con. Photos: Fame Pictures