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donald trump

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Donald Trump gives his latest employee the boot - Wrestler Bill Goldberg.

Goldberg, Wrestle Mania's tough grappler, ain't so tough for mega boss Trump, as the big guy gets evicted from 'Celebrity Apprentice' as project manager.

Being project manager of Team Rock Solid, Goldberg went just a bit too far with his leadership, over-delegating tasks and letting Poison ex frontman Bret Michaels do the all the dirty work.

As expected, the wrestler wasn't cut out for country music, as he was assigned the burdensome task of creating an image makeover for country music stars Luke Bryan and Emily west. There was even an instance when Goldberg yelled at Luke to bring out that smile on his face. Or a heart attack, more like it.

Donald Trump learned about the incident and summoned the wrestler to the boardroom, questioning the big guy as to why he didn't step up to his title and allow Michaels to take on important responsibilities.

The Rock Solid team explained that they let Goldberg assume the driver's seat because they wanted his charity to get the money. And even they did a good job on Luke Bryan's concert, the opposing Women's team still triumphed. And Goldberg shown the door.

Hired or Fired? It's all up to big bossman Donald.