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joss whedon

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame  
Joss Whedon has given comic book fans a hope for a new movie to enjoy! 

Whedon, shortlisted among directors to assume the driver's seat of Marvel Comic's 'Avengers' and is scheduled for negotiations, according to news sources' reports. Whedon, the creative guy behind the hit TV series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' 'Angel,' and cult sci-fi show 'Firefly' is well regarded in the comic community.

As for possible actors to suit up the superhero suits, Robert Downey Jr. might reprise his role as the 'Ironman,' Chris Evans as 'Captain America' and Chris Hemsworth to take on 'The Thor.'

Count on Joss Whedon to save the world from chaos. If things do materialize.